COACHING -- Parents can volunteer to coach but it requires several steps in order to qualify. NYTC will pay for any fees you incur in qualifying to coach. Here are the steps.
-- Join USATF as a coach for children (go to
-- When you get your membership number, get a background screen
-- When your screen comes back successful, take the Safe Sports course offered by USATF
-- Submit your completion form to us at
We realize this procedure takes time but it is in place to safeguard our children.
Feel free to call John at 781-856-4088 with any questions.
VOLUNTEER AT THE GREAT BEAR RUN - We very much need active volunteers both in the planning and the activities on the day of the race. You do NOT have to go through the procedure above. Next year's race is Sunday, May 18, 2025
VOLUNTEER AT PROGRAM SESSION - From time to time we need parent volunteers to
-- Pass out t-shirts
-- Take team photos (or set up children for photos)
-- Popsicles (Summer) - Pick up popsicles or help distribute them.
-- Other
Please contact us at or call John at 781-856-4088 to follow up.
Needham Youth Track Club
53 Coulton Park, Needham, MA 02492, USA